сряда, 20 февруари 2013 г.

Tips For Shiny Hair - From The Hair-Stylist

Good looking shiny hair is known to increase the sexuality and certainty in both women and men, so many of us begrudge actors and top models with perfect hair, but still we do nothing to to improve our own hair, and we all realize that our flat hair looks terrible. Usually people just don’t know how to take care of their hair. The following quick hair care tips are guaranteed to give you shinier, healthier hair and boost your sexuality.

Your Diet is Important Part
Start with a nourishing diet, living healthy isn’t just about minimizing disease or going to the gym. A healthy diet also helps you feel and look great. Your hair needs essential minerals such as zinc, iron and copper to maintain its enhance and strength, shine and color. Your scalp also needs a good care, that's why a plenty of vitamin B,  A and C are required. Vitamin E is also helps with the shine, which is why so many shampoos include it, however, it is always better to include vitamin E into our diet where it can do the most good, at your hair root.

Important !!
Drink a lot of water, at least a liter a day, eat food that contains lots of protein, for example regular servings of red meat, fish, and cereals.

You have to add lashings of fresh vegetables to every meal, and breakfast pieces of fruit between the meals.

Washing Your Hair
There are many theories abound on how often you should wash your hair. Some say every day, and others every 2nd or 3rd day.  How you wash your hair however, is a matter of accepted fact.

  • Rinse the hair before washing, this removes dust and loose dirt that could damage your hair while washing.
  • Lather the shampoo in your hands, this prevents tangling your hair which is also known to damage the reduces shine and hair strands.
  • Apply the shampoo to your scalp and massage it gently into your skin and the hair roots. Rinse off, then apply conditioner, but this time condition all the way to the hair ends.
  • Finally, rinse off in colder water to close the cuticles giving an all day long shininess to be envied.

Drying and Brushing
Hair dryers are one of the biggest obstacles to shiny hair, simply because so many people don’t know how to use them correctly. Did you know your hair is at its weakest while wet, and special care needs to be taken not to burn the outer surface of the strands when using a dryer.

  • Move the dryer frequently, and don’t let it get too close to your hair.
  • Stop blow drying when your hair is still slightly damp and let nature do the rest.

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